
July 8 (the second Monday of the month) is the 123nd meeting for Systems Thinking Ontario. The registration on Eventbrite at: https://synthesis-maps-july-2024.eventbrite.ca

Synthesis Map Showcase (session 2 of 3)

As part of a Systems Thinking Ontario tradition, we will be hosting students from OCADU's Strategic Foresight & Innovation (SFI) program to share recently-completed synthesis maps. These sessions will be in-person (venue details below) for the June, July, and August sessions.

Map #3: The Weight of Tomato Waste (2024)

Morgan Bath, Travis Erickson, Pan Xie, Pranav Migiani, & Yining Wang

When we set out to explore the global food supply chain, we aimed to identify key issues that affect both the environment and the economy. We began by examining the top 10 most consumed foods worldwide, and one item stood out: tomatoes. Tomatoes are a staple in kitchens around the globe, and they come in countless forms—from fresh produce to sauces and pastes. However, as we delved deeper into our research, we discovered a surprising and significant problem: tomato waste. 

The weight of tomato waste is staggering. Despite their popularity, a considerable portion of fresh tomatoes are never consumed. This waste is not just a loss of food but also a loss of resources that go into growing and transporting these tomatoes. 

Our synthesis map, "The Weight of Tomato Waste," highlights the various stages of the tomato supply chain where waste occurs and explores potential solutions to mitigate this issue. 

By focusing on fresh tomatoes, we aim to bring attention to a critical yet often overlooked component of global food waste. Our research underscores the importance of addressing these challenges to create a more sustainable and efficient food system. Join us as we unpack the complexities of tomato waste and explore strategies for a greener future. 

Map #2: Understanding the Environmental Impacts of Tourism: A Look at Regenerative Tourism in the Niagara Region of Ontario (2023)

Madelaine Prince, Priyal Mehta, Silvana Sari, Sourena Naghikhani

Developed as a part of OCADU’s Understanding Systems course, our group explored the concept of regenerative tourism in the Niagara Region, with a specific focus on understanding the environmental impacts of the tourism sector. The general goal of this project is to facilitate discussion across all disciplines, integrating future perspectives and design options to address complex sociotechnical systems and systems change in the Niagara Region of Ontario.  

The following synthesis map provides a visual journey centered around the following research question: “How might we understand the environmental impacts of the tourism industry in the Niagara Region, with consideration for a future of regenerative tourism?” 

Our goal is to provide a relatable way to discuss complex environmental issues caused by Niagara’s current tourism model. The synthesis map employs a dual approach: a bottom-up strategy that engages potential tourists by involving them in a journey through Niagara, fostering an understanding of the environmental impacts of their activities, and a top-down strategy targeting key actors in the tourism industry. 

In our synthesis map, we navigate the audience through a hypothetical journey undertaken by a family of four visiting Niagara Falls for a holiday. This journey is illustrated through popular tourist touchpoints in Niagara. At each touchpoint, we present data that contextualizes the impact of human activities on the environment. Towards the end, we provide a set of recommendations for steps the government and businesses could take to develop regenerative tourism in Niagara. 


Suggested pre-reading: 


Post-meeting artifacts

Bloggers are encouraged to write about their learning and experiences at the meeting. Links will be added to this page.