April 18 is the fourth meeting for Systems Thinking Ontario. Registration is at http://st-on-2013-04-18.eventbrite.com/.
Theme: Systems Thinking and Variety
The focus question for the evening is: "How do systems deal with variety, in physical systems, biological systems and social systems?"
Suggested pre-reading:
To provide a minimal shared context, a foundational (i.e. really old!) article can be helpful.
W. Ross Ashby (1958), "Requisite variety and its implications for the control of complex systems", Cybernetica 1:2, p. 83-99. (available at http://pcp.vub.ac.be/Books/AshbyReqVar.pdf,republished on the web by F. Heylighen—Principia Cybernetica Project)
As supplements, more applied versions are available by Ashby proponents, in video and written form.
Stafford Beer (1990), "The Law of Requisite Variety" (web video), The Intelligent Organization Conference, Monterrey, Mexico at http://youtu.be/bDRudRhNgy4.
Michael C. Geoghegan and Paul Pangaro (2009), "Design for a Self-regenerating Organization", International Journal of General Systems, Special Issue on the Intellectual Legacy of W. Ross Ashby, Volume 38 Issue 2, at http://pangaro.com/ashby/
Participants should not feel limited to this suggested pre-reading, but should recognize that other attendees may have not read, or are reading differently, that article.
Agenda, April. 18, 2012
Post-meeting artifacts
Bloggers are encouraged to write about their learning and experiences at the meeting. Links will be added to this page.