
June 10 (the second Monday of the month) is the 122nd meeting for Systems Thinking Ontario. 

Preregistration is on Eventbrite.  This event also appears at https://synthesis-maps-june-2024.eventbrite.ca 

Synthesis Map Showcase (session 1 of 3)

As part of a Systems Thinking Ontario tradition, we will be hosting students from OCADU's Strategic Foresight & Innovation (SFI) program to share recently-completed synthesis maps. These sessions will be in-person (venue details below) for the June, July, and August sessions.

Map #1: The Quest for Work-Life Harmony (2024)

Mursal Ashrafi, Jillian Harris, Beyza Ozmen, & Aavrati Kushwaha

In our Understanding Systems course, we explored the complex relationships between the aspirations of capitalism, consumerism, and the centrality of work in the Canadian landscape within the linear economy.

The overarching story we uncovered was that work becomes more central as individuals aspire for individual growth and higher standards of living, which is supported endlessly through the machinery of capitalism if individuals are willing to participate. Consumerism also increases as a result of aspiring for higher standards of living as we attach value of self to external aspects of our life.

As a team, we reflected on how this story showed up in our own lives, which led us to discuss the issues of work-life balance, burnout, perpetual productivity, and in the most extreme case, workaholism. 


Suggested pre-reading: 


Post-meeting artifacts

Bloggers are encouraged to write about their learning and experiences at the meeting. Links will be added to this page.