The video recording, as well as M4A audio recording is also available on the Internet Archive at https://archive.org/details/20230508-st-on-rava-sdgs-1920x-1080
May 8 (the second Monday of the month) is the 110th meeting for Systems Thinking Ontario. The registration is at https://sdgs-st-on.eventbrite.ca .
The Sustainable Development Goals: Origins, Context, and Perspectives
Within the Systems Thinking Ontario community, we have an authority on the Sustainable Development Goals with Ned (Nenad Rava), Head of Programmes, Joint SDG Fund. The interest in the March 2023 ST-ON session peaked some interest into unpacking the history and trajectory of the SDGs.
As an opportunity for novices and the immersed to participation in a conversation around the SDGs, we will center on three questions:
(1) How did the SDGs come to be, and Why? (10min)
Discussion: In what ways SDGs relate to sustainability? Do we even need (global) goals? What are the implications for businesses, academia, grass-roots? (10min)
(2) What do SDGs have to do with systems change? (15min)
Discussion: Reality check: a genuine approach to systems change or just “buzzwords”? How do the SDGs relate to other systems approaches to sustainability (from flourishing to systems dynamics)? (15min)
(3) Where do we stand in early 2023? What happens next? (10min)
Discussion: What does this mean for Canada? What is the impact of the post-COVID crises (including the triple crisis of food, energy, financing)? What can we do as individuals/ Canadians?
Dr Nenad Rava has an eclectic background including comparative politics, public sector modernization and institutional reform, cross-sectoral public policy, strategic foresight, and business innovation. Besides a BSc in management and PhD in politics, he also holds a Master of Design degree in Strategic Foresight and Innovation at OCADU.
Dr Rava has contributed to complex systems change through more than 120 senior-level engagements in over 45 countries. Amongst other, he has produced 35+ research reports, articles and other publications (including a chapter on "Systems Design Approach to Public Policy" in the Handbook on Systems Sciences) [open access via SharedIt, or via Medium] and 80+ educational and training programs.
Dr Rava supported the finalization of co-design and launch of the Joint SDG Fund at the UN HQ in 2018, led the first portfolio of 35 programs benefiting 147 million most vulnerable persons in 2020-2022, and currently incubates new SDG transformation priorities.
The session will be moderated by David Ing.
The link for a Zoom conference will be sent upon preregistration.
Unfortunately, due to the pandemic OCADU, sLab (Strategic Innovation Lab), 205 Richmond Street West, Room 410 is not available!
Suggested pre-reading:
Goals (including targets/ indicators, history, publications): https://sdgs.un.org/goals
SDG report for 2022 (July 2022): https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/report/2022/
Foundational Primer on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (November 2019): https://unsdg.un.org/SDGPrimer
MAPS (March 2016): https://www.un.org/ecosoc/sites/www.un.org.ecosoc/files/files/en/qcpr/doco-summary-brief-on-maps-march2016.pdf
Joint SDG Fund
Joint SDG Fund: https://www.jointsdgfund.org/
Canada and SDGs (with second Voluntary National Review in July 2023): https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/programs/agenda-2030.html
SDG profile for Canada (latest data): https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/dataportal/countryprofiles/CAN
New Policy Direction for 2030: the Sustainable Development Goals (Canadian Government Executive, January 2017): http://canadiangovernmentexecutive.ca/dig/23_01/#8
Canada Voluntary National Review (2018): https://hlpf.un.org/countries/canada/voluntary-national-review-2018
SDGs and Universities: https://www.univcan.ca/sustainable-development-goals/
Post-meeting artifacts
Bloggers are encouraged to write about their learning and experiences at the meeting. Links will be added to this page.