October 17 (the third Monday of the month, dodging Thanksgiving) is the 104th meeting for Systems Thinking Ontario. The registration is at https://reifying-systems-thinking.eventbrite.ca .
Reifying Systems Thinking towards Changes
In 2012, at the 56th Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Systems Sciences, an aspiration of "Rethinking Systems Thinking" was proposed. In 2019, the rise in interest in "systems change" led to the formation of the Systems Changes Learning Circle, centered in Toronto, Canada. Now 4 years into a 10-year journey, research publications and presentations are being released.
In 2022, the Systems Changes Learning approach features three concepts: (i) rhythmic shifts; (ii) texture (leading to contexture); and (iii) propensity. Practices developed are depicted as hub of "knowing from within" appreciated through a cycle of learning along four spoke. Theory-building through multiparadigm inquiry includes philosophies of science underlying Classical Chinese Medicine and ecological anthropology.
This presentation was originally created for an in-person meeting at the Universitat de Barcelona Business School Graduate Programme in Business on October 10, 2022. The slides have been published, and will be reused for an online presentation at Systems Thinking Ontario on October 17, and recorded.
Bio: David Ing ia a research fellow with the Creative Systems Research Institute incorporated in Ticino, Switzerland, with a base in Mora d'Ebre, Spain. He is a past-president of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (2011-2012). In a 28-year career with IBM, he was assigned to roles in management consulting, market development and headquarters planning. For universities in Finland, China, UK, Japan and Canada, he has authored and taught courses on systems thinking.
The link for a Zoom conference will be sent upon preregistration.
Unfortunately, due to the pandemic OCADU, sLab (Strategic Innovation Lab), 205 Richmond Street West, Room 410 is not available!
Suggested pre-reading:
David Ing, "Systems Changes Learning: Recasting and reifying rhythmic shifts for doing, alongside thinking and making", The Journal of Sustaiable Smart Behavior , August 2022, in press, https://coevolving.com/commons/2022-07-recasting-and-reifying-rhythmic-shifts
David Ing, "Appreciating Systems Changes via Multiparadigm Inquiry: Architectural Design, Ecological Anthropology, Classical Chinese Medicine, Systems Rhythms", 66th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences , July 8, 2022, https://coevolving.com/commons/2022-07-08-appreciating-systems-changes

Post-meeting artifacts
Bloggers are encouraged to write about their learning and experiences at the meeting. Links will be added to this page.