
January 16 was the twelfth meeting for Systems Thinking Ontario. The registration was at https://st-on-2014-01.eventbrite.com .  

Theme: Systems Thinking and Coevolution with Learning

In systems thinking, two process that see systems change over time are learning and coevolution.  These occur within and amongst living systems that evolve (or potentially devolve).

Coevolution amongst living systems may constrain or provide opportunities for development of each, some or all the systems.  Learning may occur (or not occur with zero learning!) for each living system at varying levels.

Some living systems have will, and therefore could operate at a strategic level, for benefit either just for the self or for the collective.  Some systems may not be interested in change, even if such change would be beneficial in self-interest as well as mutual interests.

How can purposeful (or purposive) learning lead to developmental coevolution?

Suggested pre-reading: 

David Ing, "Rethinking Systems Thinking: Learning and Coevolving with the World", in Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Volume 30, Number 5, (October 2013) pp. 527-547, published at http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/sres.2229, preprint at http://coevolving.com/commons/201310-rethinking-systems-thinking

Participants should not feel limited to this suggested pre-reading, but should recognize that other attendees may have not read, or are reading differently, that article.


Post-meeting artifacts

Bloggers are encouraged to write about their learning and experiences at the meeting. Links will be added to this page.