
May 11 (the second Monday of the month) is the 79th meeting for Systems Thinking Ontario. The registration is on Eventbrite at https://making-changes.eventbrite.com.

Systems Thinking and Making Changes

How do Systems Changes become natural practice?  Stepping through a previously prepared set of slides, we'll have a slow discussion on history-making, commitment, argumentation and pattern language (or however much we can cover in about 90 minutes).  The agenda will draw from:

For May, we'll complete the four-lecture series as in February, March and April, based on the fourth lecture in the Systemic Design course, of the master's program in Strategic Foresight & Innovation at OCADU.  Our modified program has been to use the slides as a foundation, on which we nurture a conversation that encourages participants to develop a personal appreciation through collective sensemaking.


Suggested pre-reading: 

For those who want listen or read ahead, web video and digital audio are available as:


Post-meeting artifacts

Bloggers are encouraged to write about their learning and experiences at the meeting. Links will be added to this page.