
February 21 is the 54th monthly meeting for Systems Thinking Ontario. The registration was  on Eventbrite.

Book Launch -- Open Innovation Learning: Theory building on open sourcing while private sourcing

Open Innovation Learning is a new book based on research conducted by David Ing during doctoral studies at Aalto University in Finland.

This work synthesizes both descriptive and normative theories of open innovation and organizational learning.  The theories are built on 7 case studies of IBM participating with open source communities between 2001-2011.

The Systems Thinking Ontario audience will appreciate the foundations in the systems sciences and new contributions to the field coming from ecological epistemology.

David Ing is a cofounder of the Trito Innovation Colab.  He is currently teaching "Systems Thinking, Systems Design" in the graduate iSchool program at the University of Toronto.  He is a former president of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (2011-2012).  In 2012, he became an alumnus of IBM, after 28 years of service.  Studies in the doctoral program in Industrial Management at Aalto University are continuing.

Peter Jones will be moderating this session.  As commenters, Tim Lloyd and special guest Stephen Perelgut will warm up the audience for Q&A.

Please plan to stay for the reception!


Suggested pre-reading: 

The book is now available both as an open access (free of charge) PDF ebook and a perfect bound book in color.  See http://openinnovationlearning.com/.


Post-meeting artifacts

The presentation slides (including source files) are available on the Coevolving Commons.

OCADU: Friendly audience for book launch of Open Innovation Learning @OCADU Auditorium, special session of Systems Thinking Ontario. Demystifies the breadth and depth of research written over 3 years of doctoral studies, stretching back from the 1886 Berne Convention on copyright, to IBM years 1993-2011. Publication is open access reference work, best medium is ePub openinnovationlearning.com . Photo courtesy of Chris R. Chapman, @DerailleurAgile (OCADU Auditorium, McCaul Street, Toronto, Ontario) 20180221

OCADU:  Systems Thinking Ontario panel with Tim Lloyd @perelgut following book launch presentation of Open Innovation Learning. Audience members extending the theory building to make sense in application area relevant to themselves. Open access book at openinnovationlearning.com . (Photo courtesy of Noah Ing). (OCADU Auditorium, McCaul Street, Toronto, Ontario) 20170222

OCADU: Sketchnoting @playthink of book launch for Open Innovation Learning at Systems Thinking Ontario. Key ideas captured in real time over a 55-minute lecture given for the first time. twitter.com/playthink/status/966521254642683904 Open access book at openinnovationlearning.com . (OCADU Auditorium, McCaul Street, Toronto, Ontario) 20180221

OCADU: Signing postcard for @petri at book launch for Open Innovation Learning. Open access book is free at openinnovationlearning.com , so the traditional momento from an author book signing is modified for the 21st century. A physical book can be published on demand, but it's better to save some trees! (Photo courtesy of Noah Ing). (OCADU Auditorium, McCaul Street, Toronto, Ontario) 20180222