
March 16 (the third Monday of a month with 5 weeks) is the 77th meeting for Systems Thinking Ontario. The registration is at https://ecological-understanding.eventbrite.com.

Systems Thinking and Ecological Understanding

The prefix "eco-" is used in systems thinking and systems sciences in multiple ways:

These relate to an ecological understanding (epistemology) of the world, on a variety of primary systems of interest.  What does that entail?  Based on that understanding, might we intervene with willful action, or follow an non-intrusive path according to nature?

This Systems Thinking Ontario session will follow the agenda for a lecture in the Systemic Design course, of the master's program in Strategic Foresight & Innovation at OCADU.  As in the February session, we still step through the slides slowly, and nurture a conversation that encourages participants to develop a personal appreciation through collective sensemaking.


Suggested pre-reading: 

We will NOT cover all of the slides in the lecture presentation deck, and may defer topics for a subsequent meeting.


Post-meeting artifacts

Bloggers are encouraged to write about their learning and experiences at the meeting. Links will be added to this page.