The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 13, 2025 (2025-02-13))
The immediate past meeting was Wednesday, January 8, 2024 (2025-01-081)
The meeting-in-planning is scheduled for Thursday, March 13, 2025 (2025-03-13)
Upcoming meetings are listed in the sidebar navigation along with links to past meetings.
This public wiki (at http://wiki.st-on.org) is a companion to the DISCUSSION GROUP at https://groups.google.com/d/forum/st-on (or shortcode http://bit.ly/st-on ). Those with privileges may be able to edit on Google Sites.
Our working definition of systems thinking is: understanding the world by exploring parts and wholes. We do this by simultaneously and iteratively using analysis (what parts does this whole contain) and synthesis (which wholes contain this part). For an opinion (not necessarily definitive) of the domain of interest, see "An Interview on Service Systems, Natural Systems", and systems sciences.
Related local groups involved in Systems Thinking include:
The Community for Flourishing Enterprise (C4FE), formerly the Strongly Sustainable Business model Group, hosted by the Flourishing Enterprise Institute
Systems Thinking Toronto which has held its own meet-ups across practitioner communities
Systems Thinking Ontario enjoys close relations with past presidents of the International Society for the Systems Sciences and the Systemic Design Association (RSD Symposium). We might be unofficially seen as a Toronto-based chapter of these communities.
Systems Thinking Ontario was a spin-off from the Design With Dialogue community. The spirit of collaboration and open sharing aspires to the be same. The format and audience may be a little different.